I know I know; it’s been far too long since my last post – I
said last time I was busy: I clearly did not use the term appropriately last
So this is a bit of a life and training update, with a race
report following swiftly…I’ll try to keep it interesting, and keep it light.
I’ve decided to spend a bit more time off Facebook and the
like for a wee while – what with the recent political upheavals, I’ve found
myself increasingly angry and upset with the understandable conflict between
friends and even family. Aside from my own political views, I’m finding it hard
to see the wood for the trees, so thought I’d take a step back from it all (not
so much burying my head in the sand, as I’m still keeping abreast with what’s
going on) but I know that I still have plenty to be getting on with in my own
life right now, and I know it will be a much better use of my own resources,
instead of spending time worrying about the bigger pond right now….so I hope
this will provide a bit of light reading in comparison!
Okay, so the training has been going surprisingly quite well
(she says, trying desperately to find a piece of wood!). I’m slowly building
the mileage, and enjoying new found endurance that is allowing me to push
beyond the old boundaries of my running repertoire, and explore new routes.
Nothing like a spaniel to keep you 'motivated'...it's a backward resistance training session where you are trying to stop the dog from running so fast that you fall over/get dragged into the canal |
I’ve also added a slightly more interesting selection of
running accessories – I’ve suffered the ignominy of having to purchase a
running vest (aka fancy running bag with a camelbak) for starters: I’m not one
to avoid buying new kit generally, but I’m suffering from a painful emotional
dilemma of feeling both pride and utter humiliation at having to run with such
a piece of kit on my home turf…I know I need it, and it has come in real use
for carrying food and water, but quite simply, sometimes I feel like a right
Having said this, I’ve had to expand my trail running kit
even further, which the bag does help to facilitate. I have now acquired (courtesy of my parents) a
pair of secateurs and a gardening glove (just the one, of course, don’t want to
overdo it on the extra weight to carry!) in case of stiles and passages being
exceedingly overgrown…although I’ve found them not to be as useful as a trusty stick
when it comes to clearing all-encompassing nettles and cow parsley.
The weighing of the secateurs - don't want to be carrying extra weight if a lighter set is available! |
And as for nutrition – this has been a whole new kettle of
fish: as a cyclist/triathlete, I’m well used to munching on the odd energy bar
or gel on two wheels, but the thought of having to do so whilst running was
never particularly appealing, and so avoided it…but now I’m running distances
which make it a necessity to do so.
So the great food tasting experiment has officially begun! My
most recent acquisition in my trail-running carte-du-jour, has been the
delightfully simple jam sandwich, on good old cheapo white sliced bread, which now
joins avocado and cream cheese wraps, flapjacks, scotch pancakes, and that
stalwart of every sportsperson’s nutritional arsenal – the humble banana. Any
suggestions on other good food to munch whilst you trudge is much appreciated!
Pondering which is the more middle-class moment - the making of homemade granola and storage in kilner jars, or spending ten minutes trying to photograph said granola... |
Cross training has been going very well too – the gang at
Crossfit SY1 have been putting me through my paces, and I’m pleased to say
positive results are being slowly reaped…I’m getting ever closer to completing
that elusive pull up!!
And great news! - There is an open day taking place down at
the gym on SUNDAY 24th JULY which include a load of fun people
talking about crossfit, a bbq and beer session from 4pm, and sample classes throughout
the day giving you a glimpse of the sort of things we get up to on a daily
basis. It’ll be a really chilled event, where you can meet the trainers, and
current members, and you get to hear a wee chat from me about my ChariTea Run
in September…please come and listen!
Final note/plug – my 140 mile run is taking place 12-17th
September, starting and finishing in Shrewsbury. I’m incredibly grateful to the
team at Tweet Up Shrewsbury for allowing me to speak at their most recent
gathering, and the very kind offers of raffle prizes from many of the local
independent business owners. If you fancy joining me for part of this run, then
I would love to hear from you! Similarly, if anyone has an idea for a raffle
prize, or indeed, has something they would be willing to donate, please do get
in touch! The run is raising money for Shrewsbury Ark, a great local charity
that aids the homeless and vulnerable in our community, so anything that you
can donate, even if it’s just a few pennies, is much appreciated!!
Right. That’s a fair update on my general comings and goings
I think – TTFN chums!
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The trails are a-calling! Time to get out a-running! :) |